Syllabus/achievement requirements

Daniel Rothman and S. Zaleski: Lattice gas cellular automata, (book may be bought at Akademika). Kap. 1 --7, 8.1--3 og kap 10 er pensum.

Toffoli and Margolus: Cellular automata machines, One selected chapter will be xeroxed and distribruted at the lectures.

B. Chopard and M. Droz: Cellular automata modeling of physical systems, One selected chapters will be handed out during lectures .

Newman and Barkema: Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Physics, 1999. Clarendon Press. ISBN:?0198517971. Chapters 1-4 and 8. Link to Clarendon Press.

Morten Hjorth-Jensen: Computational Physics, 2006. Chapters 11, 17, 18, 20. Link to the lecture notes from 2005.

Published Oct. 25, 2005 12:27 PM - Last modified Mar. 6, 2006 4:26 PM