Visit Statoil, 22.03.2018


We'll visit Statoil's office at Fornebu, Thursday 22.03.2018 from 12.00 - 15.00. A former student and PhD student from our department, ?yvind Marcussen, will be our host. Make sure you will be there on time, otherwise they will not let you in. We'll have to register ourselves when we arrive. We'll gather outside at the main entrance

The adress is:

Statoil ASA, Martin Linges vei 33, 1364 Fornebu (see map).

If you leave from the department, there is a bus service, line 20 (direction Sk?yen), from Kirkeveien. You'll have to change to line 31 (direction Fornebu) at Olav Kyrre's plass (see below). Final stop, Telenor Area or eventually the next stop, which is IT Fornebu.

Travel planner, Visit Statoil

Evt, you can check your own travel plan at for other ways to get there.

If you have any questions, please ask!


Published Mar. 18, 2018 5:28 PM - Last modified Mar. 18, 2018 5:33 PM