
Published Dec. 1, 2010 5:01 PM

Review of exam 2009. Questions and summary. Tuesday December 7th in room U37A from 12am to 4pm.

Published Nov. 4, 2010 6:53 PM

MANDATORY Hampson-Russel lab: Monday Nov. 15 8.15am-12am, Tuesday Nov. 16 8.15am-12am, Wednesday Nov. 17 8.15am-12am, Thursday Nov. 18 8.15am-12am and Friday Nov. 19 8-15-4pm. All days in the Visionary (room U07). No showup means disqualified from exam You are supposed to form groups of 2 students (no more than 2!). Each group write a report which is submitted electronically to Deadline of report: November 26.

Published Oct. 18, 2010 12:19 PM

Guest lecture November 12 by Dr. Henning Hoeber, CGGVeritas.

Published Sep. 6, 2010 12:46 PM

SYLLABUS: Elastic waves: all chapters in textbook except p.38-47, Seismic attributes: all chapters in textbook, Reservoir monitoring: all chapters in textbook, Rock physics: chapter 1-6, Marine CSEM: ppt-file posted in forum. The course assumes basic knowledge about seismic acquisition and processing (the textbook includes also such material if you need to refresh it).

Published Sep. 6, 2010 12:31 PM

After having registered as a user of GeoCLASS goto webpage and log in (using same username and password). Then click on the GeoCLASS button at the top and then choose forum on the list to the left. Course material is placed in a GEO4260 course folder. In this folder you will find course schedule, a set of exercises and a ppt-file covering Marine CSEM.

Published Sep. 3, 2010 1:55 PM

Textbook is now available at Akademika. Note that this book covers the syllabus for both GEO4260 and GEO4280.

Published Aug. 31, 2010 12:18 PM

At the first lecture you will be given information about how to use the e-learning system GeoCLASS. You will also be given a licence code in order to be able to access the system.

Published Aug. 23, 2010 2:30 PM

Textbook to be used in the course will be available at Akademika first week of September. The title of the book is Petroleum geophysics and it is published by UniGEO. The textbook is to be used in combination with the e-learning system GeoCLASS.

Published Aug. 23, 2010 2:23 PM

First lecture Monday September 6 at 12.15 PM in Room U37A

Published Aug. 20, 2010 8:31 PM

This course is full. All students are required to attend the first lecture/meeting in order to keep their place, or give advance notice. This also includes students on the waiting list who want to try for any places which may become free.