GEO4420: pre-test

Dear all,


During the past years, the number of participants in GEO4420 grew, especially due to the increased popularity among international exchange students (Erasmus program). This lead to the problem that participants at the beginning of the course have very different background knowledge.


While we expect some basic process understanding and familiarity to the terminology that our UiO students acquire through the associated bachelor program (GEO2110 etc), exchange students often do not have this knowledge due to a lack in relevant education at their home universities.


To tackle this problem, we have designed a pre-test using CANVAS. A number of multiple-choice questions and some computing problems have been set up such that they can be automatically corrected and feedback is given to students immediately after delivery.


In doing so, the students will get a reference on whether they are at the expected level (in this case the test should be easy) and for which topics they have to catch up. A reading list for students is provided from which the lacking knowledge can be acquired by self-studying.


The first part of the textbook by Benn and Evans provides a good introduction into the topic along with explanations of the relevant processes and discussion of their significance. An up-to-date overview over the terminology related to glacier mass balance is available here: (Links to an external site.)


The test can be accessed through the geo4420-page on CANVAS (filed under "quizzes"). it is opened for answering now and until 1 September 23:59. you do not have to answer all questions at once but can intermediately save your answer and postpone delivery until you have all questions answered.


please try to answer all questions, the test is meant to guide you through the most relevant material. the outcome of the test will not be used for final grading. Nevertheless, we think the test will indirectly influence your final grade in that it helps you getting more out of the course.


feel free to contact me in case you need technical assistance or if something remains unclear.


Good luck with the test!





Benn, D. I. and Evans , D. J. A. (2010) 'Glaciers and glaciation.', 2nd edition. London: Hodder Education.


Cogley, J.G., Hock, R., Rasmussen, L.A., Arendt, A.A., Bauder, A., Braithwaite, R.J., Jansson, P., Kaser, G., M?ller, M., Nicholson, L. and Zemp, M., 2010, Glossary of Glacier Mass Balance and Related Terms. IHP-VII Technical Documents in Hydrology No. 86, IACS Contribution No. 2, UNESCO-IHP, Paris.

Published Aug. 27, 2019 10:52 AM - Last modified Aug. 27, 2019 10:52 AM