UiO: GEO 4520

Advanced remote sensing and topographic analysis

Autumn semester 2012 (Preliminary!)




Data, resources, papers, etc. in Classfronter


Times & Teachers

Tuesdays:     13:15-17:00 (U07, Visjonariet)

                        13:15-16:00 (219)

Thursdays:    14:15-16:00 (U07)


Teachers: Bernd Etzelmüller (BE), Andreas Kääb (AK), Sebastian Westermann (SW), Chris Nuth (CN), Kejrsti Gisnås (KG), Torborg Heid (TH)



  • 2 project reports (DEM generation and one more free choice/individual related to DEM analysis). Grades, ca. 50%

  • Two essays about selected topics, ~5-10 pages, incl. illustrations, literature list (pass/fail)

  • Oral examination end of semester, ca. 50%


Preliminary teaching plan


Week 36


Tuesday, 4.9.           Introduction (pensum, groups ,etc.) (BE, AK)

                                 Lecture: DEM generation from air and space (2h, AK)

Thursday, 6.9            Lecture: DEM generation cont. and end (from 14.15, AK)



Week 37


Tuesday, 11.9.          NO LAB OR LECTURE (because of disputation)

Thursday, 13.9         Lab: Intro to software and first project

Self reading of papers and preparation of essay on DEM generation from space.



Week 38


Tuesday, 18.9.         Lecture: Change detection (AK)

Thursday, 20.9         Lab

Self reading of papers and preparation of essay on DEM generation from space.

Essay 1 due date see below.



Week 39


Tuesday, 25.9.          Lecture: Image correlation (TH)

Thursday, 27.9         Presentation of project 1 initial results (for feedback)

Draft project report 1 and essay 1 due on 11.10.



Week 40


Tuesday, 2.10.         Lecture: Low-resolution sensors, thermal infrared, remote sensing of snow cover, albedo, etc. (SW)

Thursday, 4.10.        Lecture: cont. (SW)



Week 41


Tuesday, 9.10.       Lab: Intro to MATLAB (SW)

Thursday, 11.10.    Lab: Lab-work with MODIS – LST estimation and/or snow cover (SW)



Week 42


Tuesday, 16.10.        Lecture: Principles of geomorphometry (lecutre 1)  AND Terrain parameters (lecture 2) (BE - 2 hours)
                                    Lab-work with MODIS – LST estimation and/or snow cover (SW)

Thursday, 18.10.       Lab: Lab-work with MODIS – LST estimation and/or snow cover (SW)


Week 43


Tuesday, 23.10.      Lecture: Terrain parameters and flow routing (Lecture 2) (BE)
                                  Lecture: Environmental models within DEM - slopes (Lecture 3)

Thursday, 25.10.     Lab: Intro to project 2 (SW, KG).


Project 2 can be designed individually with teachers, possible projects are


- MODIS snow cover time series/LST series

- Flow routing for landslide run-out estimation

- Comparison medium and high resolution albedo and thermal infrared data

- Spatial pattern prediction based on DEM derivatives



Week 44


Tuesday, 30.10.       Lecture: Environmental models within DEM - snow and radiation balance models (lecture 4 and 5) (BE)

Thursday, 1.11.        LAB

Self reading papers and preparation essay 2  

Topic: Application of geomorphometry in a seleceted theme within geosciences 

Dead line: 18.11.2012


Week 45


Tuesday, 6.11.     Lecture: Classification and prediction based on DEMs (lecture 6) (BE)

Thursday, 8.11.    LAB (KG)

Self reading papers and preparation essay 2



Week 46


Tuesday, 13.11.      Lecture: Buffer (if not finished with program)

Thursday, 15.11.     Lab (KG)

Self reading papers and preparation essay 2



Week 47


Tuesday, 20.11.     Project 2 presentation and discussion

Thursday, 22.11.    Project 2 presentation and discussion

Project report 2 due 29.11.2012




Oral examination: THURSDAY, 13.12. 2012




Andreas Kääb