Syllabus/achievement requirements

Berry, J.K.: Cartographic modelling: The analytical capabilities of GIS, 1993. In Goodchild, M.F., B.O. Parks and L.T. Steyaert: Environmental modeling with GIS. Oxford University Press.

Etzelmüller, Bernd and Jan Rasmus Sulebak: Developments in the use of digital elevation models in periglacial geomorphology and glaciology, 2000. Physische Geographie (Vol. 41). ISBN:?3855432376. (recommended reading). Elektronisk versjon.

Huggett, Richard J. and Jo Cheesman: Topography and the environment, 2002. Longman Group United Kingdom. ISBN:?0582418577. Chapter 1, 2, 3, (4) and (5).

Kumar, Lalit, Andrew .K. Skidmore and Edmund Knowles: Modelling topographic variance in solar radiation in a GIS environment, 1997. Journal of Geographical Information Systems. 11(5), pp 475-497. (recommended reading). Fulltext.

Lane, Stuart N., Keith S. Richards and Jim H. Chandler (Eds): Landform Monitoring, Modelling and Analysis, 1998. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN:?047196977X . Chapter (1), 6, 7, and (13).

Oliver, M. A. and R. Webster: Kriging: a method of interpolation for geographical information systems, 1990. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems. 4(3), pp 313-332.

Sulebak, Jan R., L.M. Tallaksen and B. Eriksen: Estimation of areal soil moisture by use of terrain data, 2000. Geografiska Annalser. 82A(1), pp 89-105. (recommended reading).

Weibel, Robert and Joseph S. DeLotto: Automated terrain classification for GIS modeling, 1988. GIS/LIS '88. Procedings from the 3rd international conference, San Antonio. pp 618-627. (recommended reading).

Wilson, John P. and John C. Gallant (eds.): Terrain Analysis : Principles and Applications, 2000. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN:?0471321885. Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11 and (13).


Chapters in brackets are recommended reading only. Hugget & Cheesman can be bought at Akademika, Blindern, for approx. 350 NOK. The other books and articles are available from the University library. Copies of essential chapters and articles (non brackets) will be made available.

Published Aug. 12, 2003 3:47 PM - Last modified Sep. 15, 2004 12:16 PM