
Published June 22, 2022 10:14 PM

Hello everyone,

I believe you have received your marks for the exam, and this is the end of the IN3020/4020 journey for almost all of you. I hope you enjoyed the course and learned something new and interesting.

The exam paper (without solutions) is published here; note that the exam was the same for IN3020 and IN4020 this year. The exam paper with solutions, including the marking guides and threshold scheme, is here.



Published May 27, 2022 11:36 AM

Hello everyone,

I hope everything is going well with the preparation.
Unfortunately, we have to make a last-minute change with the way you access the course materials (i.e., the slides) during the exam.
Instead of the slides attached to each of the questions, they will be available via a separate link below the task bar; see the illustration below, where the button "IN3020 course notes" opens a new window with the slides:


Published May 18, 2022 10:49 PM

Hello everyone,

I hope your preparation is going well.
I prepared an example file with lecture slides, which you will have access to during the exam (as discussed, it will be a separate file for each question, but all pages except the first will be the same). You can have a look at the file here (note that the example questions are from Mandatory 1). Let me know if you have any comments.



Published May 13, 2022 9:45 AM

Hello everyone,

We have discussed the exam rules in the beginning lecture yesterday. All the details are in the video, but the summary is below.

Exam is in person (Time: May 30 at 3:00 PM (4 hours), Place: Silurveien 2 Sal 3B).
You are not allowed to bring any materials with you to the exam. You will have access to the lecture slides (on the screen) as part of the exam inside Inspera; see the details in the first 10 minutes of the summary lecture video. As discussed there, I will publish the file you will have access to next week on the web page of the course. The exam will contain several questions (possibly with sub-questions) in spirit of the mandatory exercises—that is, you are tested on understanding of the material in the lectures and your ability to apply your understanding. A copy of the file with slides will be attached to each question. You will have a text window for your answer. Just text should be enough: you are not expected to draw any ...

Published May 9, 2022 2:16 PM


Today's lecture video (a bit longer than I anticipated and with a small glitch in the beginning) is available of the Web page in a usual place.

See  you on Thursday,


Published Apr. 20, 2022 8:21 AM


Two typos/inconsistencies have been recently spotted. They are minor, most likely you would not even notice them. Nonetheless, I updated the file, see on the left; the changes are highlighted by footnotes.


Published Apr. 12, 2022 10:18 AM


After a discussion, we decided to move the deadline for the third mandatory to Thursday, April 28 (23:59). This will give you an opportunity to clarify details on the group sessions earlier that week (reminder: GitHub is also available for questions).


Published Apr. 11, 2022 12:10 AM

Hello everyone,

The third (and last) mandatory is finally published, see the link "Mandatories" on the left of the Web page of the course. The deadline is in 2 weeks, 25 April 2022 23:59. Please note that this mandatory is slightly larger than the first two.


Published Mar. 17, 2022 5:48 PM


As discussed in a lecture on Monday, question 2 in the second mandatory has a typo:
π was used instead of π^b. The old version of the question correct formally, but not very meaningful. I updated the paper by adding b. Solutions to both versions will be accepted as correct.


Published Mar. 14, 2022 8:26 AM

Group 2 will be on zoom today:


Published Mar. 7, 2022 3:50 PM

Hello everyone,

The second mandatory is finally published, see the link "Mandatories" on the left of the Web page of the course. The deadline is in 2 weeks, 21 March 2022 23:59. I apologise for delay of the whole course. See you on the lecture on Thursday.


Published Mar. 3, 2022 12:58 PM


I had an appointment yesterday and was advised to cancel the lecture on Monday now as well. I follow the advise, so I will see you in a week, on Thursday 10.
Due to this, the group sessions next week are also cancelled.
I will publish the second mandatory tomorrow night.

As a result, we will be one week behind in everything.

Sorry about all this.


Published Mar. 2, 2022 10:15 AM

Hello everyone.

My condition now does not allow me to give the lecture tomorrow, March 3. So I have to cancel it due to health reasons. I hope to be better by Monday.

The second mandatory, it is also postponed. I will update you later today for how long.

I apologise for this inconvenience.



Published Feb. 10, 2022 9:04 AM


Unfortunately, I am ill today and cannot lecture in person. Live Zoom may also be too difficult for me. To solve this, I will pre-record the lecture and publish the video by the end of today in the schedule. Please, watch it in a convenient time. On Monday we will start with a new topic (I should be ok by then; I will let you know if something changes).


UPD: the video is uploaded

Published Feb. 7, 2022 11:20 PM


The first mandatory is published, you can find it here. The submission deadline in Devilry is 23:59 on Monday, February 21. 


Published Jan. 30, 2022 11:22 AM


We switch to physical teaching from Monday, Jan 31 (see the schedule). In particular, lectures will be physical and hence *not* broadcasted in Zoom. However, they will (hopefully) be recorded and published as usual.

See you tomorrow,


Published Jan. 28, 2022 2:54 PM

The second set of weekly exercises are out.

Published Jan. 27, 2022 11:01 AM

Since IN4020 cannot access the link in the schedule, I publish the it  here. (It is the same as in the schedule and the same as for previous lectures.)


Published Jan. 21, 2022 1:17 PM

The first weekly exercise is out.

You will find the weekly exercises in the weekly exercises folder.

Published Jan. 18, 2022 11:57 AM

Hello everyone,

As I mentioned in the lecture yesterday, we use this GitHub repository as a place where students can ask questions to us. All registered students should have access now; if you have issues accessing, drop me an email. The procedure is easy: follow the link, log in, go to the Issues tab, create a new issue (i.e., question) using a green button on the right (or continue discussing an open issue by pressing on it). We aim to answer all questions in 1 working day, so if your question is not answered within 24 hours, let me know by email.


Published Jan. 17, 2022 9:05 AM

Since not everyone can access the schedule now, I publish the link to the today's lecture here. (It is the same as in the schedule.)


Published Jan. 13, 2022 9:17 AM

Hello everyone!

We are ready to launch with lectures in Zoom on Monday (see the link to the Zoom meeting in the schedule). The first lecture will contain all the necessary organisational information. The lecture slides and videos will be published (also in the schedule), so you will be able to check the info afterwards. However, if you have any urgent question, feel free to drop me an email (you can find it on my personal Web page).

See you on Monday,

Egor (the lecturer)