Week 8

Lecture 8: Information extraction, 10 Oct.



Mandatory reading

Jurafsky and Martin, Speech and Language Processing, 3. ed. (edition of 29. Aug. 2019)

  • Ch. 11, Constituency Grammar
    • Intro
    • Sec. 11.1 Constituency
    • Sec. 11.2 context-Free Grammar
      • up to 11.2.1. Formal Definition (which is not included)
    • Sec. 11.4 Treebanks
      • up to 11.4.3 Heads and Head Finding
  • Ch. 12, Constituency Parsing
    • Introduction
    • Sec. 12.1 Ambiguity
    • Sec. 12.3 Partial parsing
  • Ch. 17,  Information Extraction
    • Sec. 17.0
    • Sec 17.1, Named Entity recognition
      • except 17.1.3 A neural algorithm
    • Sec 17.2, Relation Extraction

NLTK book

  • Ch. 7 Extraction information from text
    • Sec. 7.0-7.3
    • Sec. 7.5

Recommended reading

Jurafsky and Martin, Speech and Language Processing, 3. ed. (edition of 29. Aug. 2019)

  • Ch. 11, Constituency Grammar
    • Sec. 11.3 Some Grammar Rules of English

Tutorial on probabilities II and simple statistics

Replaces the lab-session, Tuesday 15 iOctober

Room Postscript , room 2458

We will in particular look into how to use scipy in numpy.



Published Oct. 4, 2019 4:06 PM - Last modified Oct. 25, 2019 2:20 PM