
Published Jan. 20, 2023 5:20 PM

Hi again

The point thresholds for the grades were: A: 88, B: 80, C: 58, D: 48, E: 37.

The distribution of candidates were A: 3, B: 3, C: 8, D: 4, E: 5, F: 3

Cheers, Pierre and Jan Tore

Published Jan. 2, 2023 10:43 AM

Happy new year!

We have published solutions and grading instructions here.

We finished grading just before Christmas and the results will soon be in Student Web.

Thank you for the collaboration in 2022,

Pierre and Jan Tore

Published Dec. 7, 2022 9:25 AM

I have got question regarding which formulas re relevant for the exam. I have posted a list here. Enjoy!

Jan Tore

Published Dec. 6, 2022 3:07 PM

The exam will be in Silurveien. You will get a PC (not your own). You will use the program Insepra. To get to know the system, see



You will get access to a calculator on the PC. Try it out:

Also, if you are new to UiO, consider this page


Published Dec. 6, 2022 10:23 AM


We have made a list over all the mandatory readings from the weekly pages. It is linked in the left margin of the semester page. You find it here.

Published Nov. 28, 2022 11:47 AM

We will have an extra session Tuesday Dec. 6 at 12.15 in room Java. (Observe the room.) We will answer questions and review some earlier exam questions. If there are any topics or exercises you want considered, post them to Discourse before Thursday  Dec. 1 (or send them by e-mail.)

Published Nov. 18, 2022 10:18 AM


Tuesday, Nov. 22, (end of week 13), we will look at parts from last year's exam, and possibly some more exam questions, see the weekly plan 13.

Thursday, Nov. 24 (week 14), we will cover lecture 13, see weekly plan 14.

It is still plenty of time before the exam, Dec. 13. If there is interest, we can arrange an additional session looking at earlier exam questions. If you are interested, show your interest in Discourse in the "Practical information". Also indicate if there are any of the remaining Tuesday or Thursday time slots you will not be available.

Published Nov. 15, 2022 12:38 PM

If you delivered mandatory 3 on time, and it is not approved, you should get feed-back by Monday Nov. 21 and redeliver by Thu. Nov. 24.

Published Oct. 19, 2022 1:06 PM

The last obligatory assignment is now released! The assignment consists of three parts: one retrieval-based chatbot, some exercises on speech processing, and, last but not least, the implementation of a talking elevator. Good luck! Submission deadline is set to November 11, 23:59.

Published Oct. 18, 2022 11:38 AM

As announced last week, the time slots for the lecture and the lab session will need to be switched for this week (week 9). The lecture will take place on Tuesday, October 18, in Sed, at the usual time (12:15 - 14:00), while the lab session will take place on Thursday, October 20, in Smalltalk, also at the usual time (12:15 - 14:00). 

Published Sep. 28, 2022 4:45 PM

is out. You find it here. Deadline is Friday 14 October.


Jan Tore

Published Sep. 23, 2022 3:10 PM


We have published exercises for next lab session here.

Published Sep. 7, 2022 9:45 AM

We have published the first mandatory assignment here. It is due Friday 23 Sept. at 2359.


Jan Tore

Published Aug. 31, 2022 3:37 PM

This semester we will test a new discussion forum based on the platform Astro Discourse. The forum for IN4080 can be found here:

Published Aug. 26, 2022 11:48 AM

This course require some understanding of probabilities starting from week 3. For an overview of what is required and the possibilities of a tutorial, look at the week 2 page and scroll to probabilities.

Published Aug. 16, 2022 3:41 PM

You are invited to trial lectures for two positions in NLP. These lectures will give you first introduction to topics central in IN4080. See details here.