
Published Nov. 8, 2017 6:35 AM

Section A:

1. iPhone 1: Harald, Aggrey, Dersim, Kristine

2. HTC: Sverre, Hanne, Irene, H?kon

3. Nokia 1: Camille, Vebj?rn, Manisha, Darpan

Section B:

4. Nokia 2: Suzanna, ?smund, Catherine, Iselin

5. iPhone 2: Ingeborg, Andreas, Maren

9. Samsung 2: Anniken, Marius, Sandra, Kohei

Section C:

6. Microsoft: Emil, Marthe, Anna, Grace

7. Sony: Heidi, Xing, Tan, Maria S.

8. Samsung 1: Ines, Axel, Julie, Maria H.


Published Nov. 2, 2017 12:30 PM

It seems that Akademika not always knows what the compendium for IN5010/INF5011 is. I have put an image in the Documents folder.

Published Oct. 31, 2017 12:29 PM

I have put the course schedule and course document in the Document folder (see link to the left).

We start Tuesday at 09:15 sharp! Everyone should have the syllabus with them (available at Akademika). We don't use laptops or other digital equipment during lectures and discussions. I will bring paper notebooks for those of you who have forgotten how they look like ;-)

Other days we meet at 10:15 and you can use the time from 09:00 - 10:15 for preparations, meetings, etc.

See you all on Tuesday. Looking forward to meeting you all.

Published Oct. 24, 2017 1:08 PM

The syllabus for the course is available at Akademika Blindern. Every participant in the course needs it. That we work with a syllabus and not with digital resources is one of the themes we work with in the course.

It seems hard to get the course code right: the syllabus has the course code IN5012/IN9012. Just ignore the number, just make sure you get a copy. Let me know if there are not enough copies!

See you all on the 7th of November. Check the messages at INF5011 for older information.