
Published Sep. 25, 2019 10:06 AM

Group 1: Florens, Siv, Anna, Suresh
Group 2: Thuan, Brage, Emilie, Adrian
Group 3: Marianne, Siri, Inger Helene, Nathalie

Group 4: Trine, Chris, Zahra, Hanna
Group 5: Florian, Bendik, Anders, Anne Sofie
Group 6: Mari, Nilza, Viljar, Andreas

Group 7: Tom-Olav, Sigurd, Maren, Jakob K
Group 8: Anders Jakob, Jakob LK, Tidemann, Kristoffer
Group 9: Henrik, Karl-Otto, Thomas, Matthias

Published Aug. 21, 2019 4:17 PM

All IN5010 students have to buy the course syllabus at Akademika - the academic bookshop at Blindern - but wait until you have received information that you are accepted in the course.

The course syllabus is a printed volume with 10 articles, NOT a book. If you search Akademika's website on the course curriculum, it comes up with a book title, which used to be the course book.  We use only one chapter of this book, which is part of the course syllabus.

But in case you are interested in reading more, I can recommend the book:...

Published Aug. 21, 2019 3:05 PM

I understand it is not always easy to fit other courses with this intensive course. On the schedule you will see that most lectures are in the morning and other activities in the afternoon. I am sure with some help from your fellow students, you can combine other courses with IN5010!

However, the 80% participation requirement in IN5010 is still applicable and can't be negotiated. All formal activities in the course fall under the 80% participation requirement. Optional activities have an (o) after their description and don't fall under this requirement.

Published Aug. 12, 2019 1:18 PM

Welcome at IFI! All master students at IFI can take IN5010. The course runs as an intensive course (3 days a week for 5 weeks). On the schedule you can see the times and days. The last day of the course is Wednesday, October 23 from 10:15 - 12:00. I will soon upload the programme, but if you want to have an idea of the course, check out last year's programme or ask your fadder.

Hope to see you on our first (and mandatory) first course day, September 24!
