Exam FAQ 2021


I was wondering if the articles we have worked on during our weekly assignments are considered part of the syllabus for the exam in IN5210. Specifically for a question "Discuss how one concept/theory from the syllabus can add to or challenge what is written in the articles." or something similar which is common in older exams. Can we for instance use concepts like socio-technical generativity, which we worked on in the last weekly assignment, but is not listed under the syllabus on the course page.


Thank you for the question. When an assignment explicitly asks you to use literature from the syllabus, you can only use the literature on the course syllabus/reading list.

Question: I have problems downloading the article for the exam.

Answer: If you have problems accessing it from Researchgate, you can also access it from here.

Question: I was wondering about the style of referencing sources required for this exam?

Answer: You are free to use the referencing style of your choice, but we prefer if you use APA

Question: When explaining the central concepts from the paper: Are we allowed to lean on definitions from other papers (listed on the curriculum) to elaborate on the concepts beyond the explanations given in Nicholson et al. 2021 ("the article"), or should we exclusively base our response in this regard on "the article" for this exam?

Answer: We do not expect you to bring in papers from the curriculum when explaining the concepts from Nicholson et al. However if you find it helpful for your explanations, you are free to do so!

Question: When you say "Your answer should be between 2000 and 4000 words", do you mean that each assignment answer should be between 2000 and 4000 long or all three assignments combined?

Answer: Between 2000 and 4000 words in total for all assignments combined.


Published Oct. 16, 2021 12:11 PM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2021 11:00 AM