Exam FAQ 2023

If you have any questions during the exam, send an email to pnielsen@ifi.uio.no. We post answers to questions here.


  1. What information must be included in the document we upload? Would you like us to include the subject code, semester, year and candidate number, or can we drop the candidate number?
  2. Should we have a list of references at the end of each subtask or just one at the end of the submission?
  3. When I refer, do you also want page numbers? Or is it okay not to use it as long as I use quotation marks?

Answers: Thank you for the questions; here are my answers:

  1. You are not required to put the candidate number in the document, but it will make the job easier for the examiner. So please add it to the front page. You don't need to put any other information about the course, and never put your name on the document.
  2. We prefer if you have one list of references at the end of the document.
  3. With direct quotes/paraphrasing, you must use quotation marks and show the page number where the text is from.

Question: In assignment 1, are we asked to explain only one concept or different concepts? I became uncertain as the article relates to and explains several concepts.

Answer: In assignment 1, we ask you to explain the central concept (one) in the article.

Question: Can we use the "Introduction to Information Systems" compendium as a reference? And if so, how do I refer to it? 

Answer: You can use it. You should follow the reference style you are using and refer to it as a web page (for example, if you are using Harvard, you can see how to do it here (page 4).

Question: I would like to use APA-7 reference styles in my exam paper. Is this ok, or do I have to go for APA 6?

I'm asking this because APA 7 is not mentioned here:


Answer: You are free to use the reference style of your preference. APA 6 and APA 7 are both acceptable.

Question: I can not access the article when following the link in the exam text. How can I access it?

Answer: Unfortunately, accessing the exam article can be a bit challenging. If you are on the UiO network, you should be able to access it directly. If not, you can access it by searching for it at the library and logging in with your UiO credentials. It is also available in Leganto.

If none of these options works, please email me, and I will send you a copy (pnielsen@ifi.uio.no).

I am sorry for the inconvenience!


Published Oct. 23, 2023 11:09 AM - Last modified Nov. 10, 2023 12:08 PM