Group Project

In the project, your group shall select one case, and design and implement a working solution as an app for DHIS2. The cases provide a description of the use-case, users and context, and will be added to this web page in a couple of weeks.

You are provided with substantial flexibility on how to solve your selected case as long as you cover the basic functionality outlined, and your solution is sensitive to the users and the context described. Please feel free to design and implement additional useful functionality, and to design the app in any way you think is best. You will have to justify your decisions regarding design, functionality, and implementation in the final (graded) group presentation.

You must use React and the UiO git for development and coordination. The final app should be deployable to run as an internal app in DHIS2. See details about this here. 

Throughout the process, you will be able to discuss ideas for design, functionality, and how to implement this with the group teachers on the seminar groups.

Forming groups (deadline 29.09.2019)

The project groups shall consist of 4 - 5 students. You could either form a group yourselves our request to be put into a random group.

If you have formed a group yourselves: One person per group fills in this form to register the group.

If you want to be randomly assigned to a group: Fill in this form. 

The group project process

Week 39 – 41 (approx 3 weeks), and presentation 1

The first part of the project work is to decide on a project case and elicit and define requirements based on the information provided in the case. You will present this on the first group presentation in week 41. This an opportunity to get feedback on your thoughts, clear up misunderstandings, and ask any questions you might have. Your presentation (approximately 10 minutes per group) should include:

  • Your understanding of the case provided.
  • An outline of functional and non-functional requirements.
  • Ideas on how to implement these.
  • Some sketches on how the UI might look.
  • What would be required from the DHIS2 API to enable implementation.
  • A project timeline

Based on the comments and discussions on the seminar group you should refine your requirements and prototypes. You might also start to implement some of the front-end functionality.

Week 42 – 43 (approx 2 weeks), and presentation 2

In week 39 and 40, two lectures on DHIS2 web-app development and use of the DHIS2 API will be provided. This should get you ready to start implementing your solution. After the first presentation, you should start implementing your solution. When you start exploring the API, you might discover that some of your planned functionality and implementation must adapt to the possibilities and constraints of the platform. This is a natural part of the process.

In week 43, your group will present what you have achieved so far to discuss the way forward in the seminar groups.

You could say something about

  • What you have done since last time (maybe demonstrate) 
  • Updates in requirements
  • What has been difficult
  • Plan for the remaining weeks.
  • Questions you have to the case or DHIS2

Week 44 - 46 (approx 3 weeks)

After the second presentation, you will continue working with the app. Group teachers will be available to provide guidance in the seminar groups.

Final "push" - Friday 15th of November

After Friday 15h of November (23:59-ish), your group should not make any more changes to your solution on git. The one/two remaining days before your presentation we will have a look at your code.

In your git repository, you should also add a short readme file outlining:

  • Your app's functionality
  • How this is implemented (just a brief explanation)
  • Any missing functionality/implementations, and things that do not work optimally. 

Week 47: Final presentation

The final presentations will be held in week 47 on Monday 18th, and Tuesday 19th of November from 08:30 - 14:00. All group members have to be present, but everyone does not have to speak during the presentation. You'll have approximately 10 minutes to present, and 10 minutes for questions and answers. 

In the presentation, you will 1) demonstrate the final product (your app), 2) reflect on decisions regarding design, functionality, implementation, and the overall process. This presentation will be graded (one shared grade per group) and counts 40% to your final individual grade in the course. 

Things you should cover:

  • Brief intro with requirements and app functionality overview

  • Live demo of the working app, covering all functionality

  • Reflection upon positive/negative aspects with your solution and your choices during implementation

  • Short reflections upon the project development process (coordination, time management, etc.)

  • Self-evaluation using grade scale in the evaluation criteria



Published July 24, 2019 2:11 PM - Last modified Nov. 13, 2019 5:23 PM