Lecture WHO metadata standardization case

Due to the covid-19 restrictions, there will be some changes to the session on WHO metadata packages. Rather than giving the complete lecture as a recorded video or live online, this page will structure the session with a few shorter videos based on the lecture, some relevant links to learn the basics of DHIS2, and a set of exercises to explore the topic

Before you start, it will be useful to get a basic overview of the DHIS2 software, especially related to the concepts of "dashboards", which are collections of ready-made content based on health data that is collected in any given DHIS2 implementation. These dashboards can be different from country to country, or even user-specific. This lecture deals with how the World Health Organization is developing standard dashboard packages that can be downloaded by countries. So, first look at these two short videos introducing DHIS2 and showing the main features of the software:

DHIS2 history presentation

DHIS2 overview

Part 1: What are these "WHO metadata packages"

Part 1 video


Use this link to the online demo, log on with username admin and password district. Note that this is a public demo and occasionally gets set to French or some other language. It should reset every night though.

Search for the dashboard named "TB1. Notifications (numbers)" and have a look at the various outputs. If you want, you can explore other dashboards there, these should all be from various WHO packages

Part 2: What are these packages?

Part 2 video

WHO page with packages and curriculum

Part 3: The metadata package approach and Primary Health Care

Part 3 video

Bonus track: Package for covid-19 surveillance

Bonus track video


WHO site with guidelines

DHIS2 site with info and demo

Presentation of all packages as of March 26 (1 hour)

Published Mar. 27, 2020 12:32 PM - Last modified Mar. 27, 2020 1:18 PM