Welcome to Privacy by Design!

Dear students, welcome to Privacy by Design! 
This course will be held fully on-line. You will find study material arranged on CANVAS. You should study the on-line material for each bi-weekly lecture before the lecture date. Each student will join a group and will deliver and present one mandatory group home assignment. 
Lectures will be held bi-weekly from 12:15, with the group presentations and questions & answers following after the lectures at 14:15 according to the schedule. 
The final exam will be held as on-line home exam using the Inspera system. 

Shortly, I will publish the CANVAS course materials and the Zoom access links for the lecture and presentation meetings. Looking forward to meet you!

Lothar Fritsch

Published Aug. 5, 2021 11:35 AM - Last modified Aug. 5, 2021 11:35 AM