Preparing WNNLP'24 presentations

The exam webpage has now been updated with information about the presentations for our exam workshop on June 3rd. We copy the relevant update here for convenience:

All teams (whether PhD or MSc) should prepare a "lightning talk" for the final workshop on June 3rd at 12:15, including a few slides. PhD students will have 5 minutes each to present their paper; MSc teams will have 3 minutes each.

The track chairs will present a short task overview for each track, so you don't need to spend time and space on this in your presentation. Focus on the main contributions and results. Note that the time limit is strict due to our tight program, so be sure to not include more material than you can realistically cover.

The presentation slides should be pushed to the separate public (UiO-)git repository for the workshop. Make sure you push your presentation as a PDF file to the `presentations' directory before the workshop, using the following file naming convention: track-id_title_of_paper.pdf.

The track identifier can be one of tlm (tiny language models), sli (Scandinavian language identification), fcg (fact-checking with graphs), atd (artificial text detection) or ppg (predicting a prompt from a generated text). So, for example: atd_experiments_with_artificial_text_detection.pdf.

Published May 30, 2024 5:55 PM - Last modified May 30, 2024 5:55 PM