Oral Exams - schedule published

The schedule for the oral exam has been uploaded.

The questions for the exam have been uploaded a long time ago. Recall that you will be asked to draw a question amongst the published questions. This will be the main question; however, also expect secondary questions drawn from other of the questions.

Thanx to all for re-entering their choice for the oral exam - all have gotten a slot that they wanted.

IF there is anyone that is NOT on the list - and they believe that, well, hey, I think I deserve to be on the list - then contact me IMMEDIATELY:

  1. Send me an e-mail explaining your viewpoint.
  2. Send me a SMS (or Viber or Signal) message at +4540251650.

-- Eric


Published June 21, 2021 3:35 PM - Last modified June 21, 2021 4:25 PM