
Publisert 6. mai 2020 12:21

Da f?r dere tilbakemeldinger og kommentarer som hjelper i det videre arbeidet.

Publisert 30. apr. 2020 12:42


If you want feedback on the report draft (Assignment 5) make sure you send it in an email to by the end of today. 

There will be no lecture today, but I'm available between 14-16 if you have any questions.


Publisert 28. apr. 2020 15:47

Dette blir dels en repetisjon, siden s? mange vil ha dette som tema for sin Assignment 5. Vi begynner med unders?kelsesmetode denne gangen og fortsetter med veiledning av oppgaven.

Publisert 2. apr. 2020 22:02

Karakter Best?tt / Ikke best?tt.

Som f?r: skriftlig eksamen teller 60%, Assignment 5 teller 40%.

Publisert 31. mars 2020 21:08

To finish up with a good result, you need to start the work this week.

Publisert 26. mars 2020 11:17

Hi! The link will be posted in the lecture plan.
- Anna

Publisert 25. mars 2020 08:54

Ifi has developed COVID-19 Surveillance Digital Data Package, which is under implementation in 37 countries. It comes with installation guides, FAQs and a community discussion group. The target group for these guides are IT people, mainly in developing countries. 

Assessing these guides and the support taking place, and suggesting improvements is an exciting topic for Assignment 5. You would then also contribute to improving the guides and support to a system of great importance and where changes happen quickly. 

You also need to turn around quickly; you should join in on the webinar on Thursday, see below. If you want to join, tell me before the webinar, so I can warn the organisers what you will be there and listen in. 

Hi all,

We are following up on last week's COVID-19 tracker package webinar with some additional online presentations this week. These will...

Publisert 24. mars 2020 20:19
evaluate[listingDisplayedMessage]: Must supply html to truncate
Publisert 16. mars 2020 10:44


There won't be any presentations of assignment 4.  Instead of the oral presentation you should submit lecture notes that describe the slides. Make the notes understandable for the reader and make sure the reader can open the file:)

Kind regards,
If you have any questions contact

Publisert 10. mars 2020 15:19

You may receive guidance in the tutor group on 19 March.

Publisert 3. mars 2020 15:09

Hi, here you'll find the schedule for the presentations. 

5/3 Thursday 14-16 Postscript

11/3 Wednesday 10-12 Caml

14.15 Tore, Hassan & Mathias

10.15 ?dne & Magnus


Publisert 25. feb. 2020 18:40


Send an email to when you have made the groups for assignment 3+4 (include: names + presentation date). If you don't have a partner yet let me know.
The presentation dates will be Thursday 5.3 (14-16) and Wednesday 11.3 (10-12), please give notice about which date your group would like to present. 

Best regards,

Publisert 28. jan. 2020 11:31

So far the course has been easy for most of you. The topic coming this week and the weeks following, Functional and Structural Understanding, are normally the topics which most students struggle with.

Publisert 24. jan. 2020 09:57

Se timeplanen

Publisert 30. des. 2019 17:48

will be published as downloadable files at this web-site 13 January, 2020.