INF3510 Assignment

Brief Description: Assignment on a security topic chosen by student(s)

Individual or Group: Either individual, or groups of 2 or 3

Weight: 40%

Student marks on security essay (home exam)

Due Date: 12.05.2011

INF3510 wiki.

Selection of Topic and Group: The group and the topic title must be chosen by 17.03.2011. The topic can be chosen from a list of proposed topics available on the INF3510 wiki. Students are also welcome to suggest their own topic title or may discuss possibilities with the course lecturer. Every group must choose a different topic title, but it is OK to focus on similar topics as other groups. The topic should not be exactly the same as any of the lectures in this or in other security courses offered at UiO. The topic and group must be specified on the INF3510 wiki.

Marking Criteria: Final reports should be in the style of an academic paper. In particular they should contain full references and citations. Use of the Internet for research material is encouraged but any sources must be referenced and care should be taken to avoid reliance on unmoderated or unrefereed material. If you are unfamiliar with the structure of an academic report, or how to reference material, you should obtain advice. One source of advice is the Purdue University Online Writing Lab, ( Be sure that you know how to use your sources, otherwise you are liable to be accused of plagiarism. As a guideline reports should be between 5000 and 10000 words and must be printed. Report structure will vary according to the topic selected but should always contain an introduction and conclusion as part of a logical structure. As a general principle, reports consisting only of summaries of references will not gain high marks. To gain high marks, reports should contain some independent thought or analysis, for example in the form of: critical comparisons of systems, critical analysis of existing solutions, critical analysis of previous work or proposals, experimental evidence (such as on a computer network), statistical analysis of data, or interviews with experts or lay persons.

Reports will be assessed using the following criteria equally weighted:

  1. Structure and presentation.
  2. Depth of content.
  3. Evidence of research and independent input.
  4. Proper use of references.

How to submit this assignment: A paper copy of the report must be handed in to the IfI Student Expedition Office. The cover page must carry the topic title and number, the author(s), student candidate number(s), and optionally names(s).

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Published Jan. 28, 2011 8:45 AM - Last modified June 18, 2011 5:14 PM