Semester page for INF5040 - Autumn 2008

The slides of all groups presentations and guest lecture are available now at "Presentations Topics and Schedule" page.

Nov. 27, 2008 1:07 PM

The syllabus (list of examinable material) has been updated. Check it out!

Nov. 25, 2008 11:40 AM

The dates of the exam are 8. and 9. December. The exam will be conducted in the following way:

Each student will be assigned a time and place (room) to meet. It is important that you meet at the precise time and place. You will be given a set of written questions that you have 30 minutes to prepare answers to (e.g., by making notes, diagrams, keywords or similar). You may not use any kind of aid (written or otherwise).

After 30 minutes you will be brought to the examination room, where you will be allowed 15 minutes to present your answers to the written questions, followed by an additional 15 minutes of questioning from other parts of the examinable material. Bring picture id!

IFI-adm will prepare a schedule for the exam (time and place for each student). If you have particular wishes wrt your scheduling, contact IFI-studadm (Mozhdeh Sheibani Harat).

Nov. 24, 2008 10:10 AM