About the group assignment and presentation

Group information

There will be two assignments that the students must submit to be able to take the final exam. Both assignments will be done in groups. Each group can have of 2 or 3 students.

Assignment #1

This is the Specification for programming assignment 1 and here is the group list for the assignment. (The email address of some of the students will be filled up soon)

Assignment #2

This is the specification for programming assignment 2.

Reference Materials:

  • The book "Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0" is available from here , and might be of some help for your assignment (although I have not read it myself).
  • The book "Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0, 5th Edition" is available for preview here , has got good reviews, but it's NOT free. Those who are interested can take a look, but for the assignment you will manage just fine with freely available tutorials (see links below), and by googling problems as they arise. [_The library, unfortunately, no longer have an account with O'Reilly to allow reading the whole book online!_]

(If you come across other good references, please feel free to notify me through email, and I will post the link here for all to see!)

Tools Download:

Spread Toolkit Homepage

Published June 29, 2009 2:54 AM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2009 4:59 PM