Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
31.08.2009Sabita Maharjan? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Java Distributed Computing - RMI? Introduction to JavaRMI

Java RMI Tutorials & Info @ sun.com?

04.09.2009Sabita Maharjan? Lille Auditorium, IFI - 11:15-13:00? EJB - Application Servers, JBoss? EJB, Application Servers & JBoss?
07.09.2009Sabita Maharjan? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Java Distribution Patterns/ Introduction to the first Assignment? J2EE Patterns, Assignment #1?
14.09.2009? 3B, 10:15-12:00? Working on group assignment? ?
21.09.2009? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? working on group assignment. ? ?
28.09.2009? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? working on group assignment. ? ?
19.10.2009Sabita Maharjan? 3B, IFI - 10:15-12:00? Introduction to the second Assignment? Introduction to Spread Toolkit , Assignment 2?


  • sabita(at)ifi(dot)uio(dot)no

Published June 29, 2009 2:54 AM - Last modified Oct. 20, 2009 11:55 PM