Oblig 3 - Submission Date Extension

Dear students,

Please note that the new submission date for Oblig 3 is now May 20, 2013 at 23:59:59 CET.

Reminder of the tasks to be accomplished:

- Create the following models (Information model - UML Class Diagram, Process model - BPMN Diagram, Service model - OMG SoaML, System Architecture model - UML 2.0 Composite Structure Diagram) using Cameo Enterprise Architecture (wherever appropriate based on the alternative chosen) for implementing a small Concierge system that allows:

  1. the presentation of booking event alternatives. Typical use case flow: a customer selects a date for a particular event which is not available. In that case, the system should present a list of event alternatives.)
  2. the booking of an event. Typical use case flow: a customer chooses to book an event. The system registers/saves this booking request and sends a confirmation message to the customer.

- Automatically generate code from the models depending on the alternatives chosen. 

  • Alternative 1 (Cameo Enterprise Architecture): Make use of the in-built code generation mechanism available in Cameo Enterprise Architecture to generate skeleton code for the various classes.
  • Alternative 2 (Cordys platform): Make use of the in-built code generation tool-set.
  • Alternative 3 (WebRatio): Make use of the BPM models to generate a working solution.


Published May 11, 2013 12:04 AM - Last modified May 13, 2013 11:23 AM