
Bok/ Books

Claudio U. Ciborra and Associates:: From Control to Drift , (July 2000). Oxford University Press. ISBN:?0198297343.


Ole Hanseth: From systems to tools to networks and infrastructure- from design to cultication. Towards a theory of ICT solutions and its design methodology implications., 2002. HTML.

Gisle Hanemyr: Nettverksarkitektur, 1998. Gisle Hanemyr. Bakgrunnsliteratur. HTML.

Leiner, Cerf, Clark, Kahn, Kleinrock, Lynch, Postel, Roberts and Wolff: The Pas and Future History of the INTERNET, 1997. Communications of the ACM, Volume 40 , Issue 2 (February 1997) Pages: 102 - 108 . ACM Lenke.

Michael D. Hogan and Shirley M. Radack: The quest for information technology standards for the global information infrastructure, 1997. StandardView, Volume 5 , Issue 1 (March 1997)Pages: 30 - 35. ACM lenke.

Lewis M. Branscomb and Brian Kahin: Standards Processes and Objectives for the National Information Infrastructure, 1995. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., and London, England. ISBN:?0-262-11206-X / 0-262-61117-1. Pensum: Preface og pp 3-35.

Utdrag av Standards Policy for Information Infrastructure; edited by Brian Kahin and Janet Abbate

Paul A David and W Edward Steinmueller: Standards, trade and competition in the emerging Global Information Infrastructure environment, 1996. Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 20, No 10.. Levers som kopi p? gruppe.

Jane Abbate: The Internet Challenge: Conflict and Conpromise in Computer Networking, 1994. Boulder: Westview Press. Chapter 9, pp193-210. Changing large technical systems: Summerton, J (Ed).

Susan Leight Star and Karen Ruhleder: Steps Toward an Ecology of Infrastructure: Design and Acces for Large Information Systems, 1996. Information Systems Research, Vol. 7, No 1, March 1996. Kopi leveres p? gruppe.

Artikler fra forelesere/Readings for lectures

Margunn Aanestad & Ole Hanseth: Bootstrapping Networks, Communities and Infrastructures, 2001. pdf download.

Margunn Aanestad & Ole Hanseth: Growing Networks:Detours,Stunts and Spillovers, 2001. Utkast til iris24. pdf download.

Edoardo Iacucci: The Electronic Patient Record , 2003. Article.

Published May 19, 2003 10:25 AM - Last modified Sep. 15, 2004 12:30 PM