
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
29.08.2007Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Introduction to the course and qualitative research? Guest lecture by Knut Hegna, Senior academic librarian “How does an article take form? – approaching a topic, searching for sources” at 14:50.?
05.09.2007Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Intro to ethnography and categories like positivist, interpretive, critical research? ?
12.09.2007Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Conducting fieldwork. Generating material. Interview, text, audio / video.? Observation 1 to be submitted

Presentation by Promilla, Kamran, Yang, Omar and Muhammed (Group4) "Understanding Practice: video as a medium"?

19.09.2007Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Conducting fieldwork. Generating material. Observing. Analyzing data.? Feedback on observation 1

Interview 1 to be submitted

Presentation by Tsega, Kim, Chipo and Anthony (Group2) "Ethnographic Field Methods"?

26.09.2007Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Encounting the field.? Movie: Kitchen Stories by Bent Hamer.

Questions for the movie to be discussed in groups

Observation 2 to be submitted?

03.10.2007Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Grounded Theory. Methodology / theory. Research Questions.? Feedback on Interview 1

Discussion of movie and the questions

First draft of your research proposals to be submitted?

10.10.2007Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Action Research and Case Studies? Feedback on first draft of your Research Proposals

Interview 2 to be submitted

Presentation by Morten, Lars, Daniel and Jarle (Group1) "Action Research"?

17.10.2007Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Internet research? Guest Lecture by Gisle Hannemyr on legal aspects of field work and internet research.

Feedback on Interview 2?

24.10.2007Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Analysis and generalizations in interpretive research. Case Studies. Conversation Analysis and Discouse Analysis.? Revised research proposal to be submitted

Midterm evaluation of the course

Presentation by Brian and Audun (Group 7) on "interpretism and case studies".?

31.10.2007Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Quality in qualitative research? Feedback on your revised research proposals.

We'll continue the discussion on generalizations from last week.

Presentation by Lars, Renate and Jan (Group 6) on "evaluating case studies".

Presentation by Muhammad (Group 4), Silverman chap. 16

Readings: Silverman 14, 15, 16 + Klein & Myers?

07.11.2007Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? The positioning of the researcher in the field + discussion about representation? Movie: Representation and the Media by Stuart Hall

Presentation by Sara, Elise and Sigurd (Group 5) on the "positioning of the researcher"

Presentation by Joshi and Jeton (Group 3) Silverman chap. 20

Suggestions on how to structure a thesis/research proposal

Readings: Silverman 17, 20, 21, 26 + Knowles?

14.11.2007Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? No lecture? Work on your research proposals. Final proposals are due on Nov. 16th.?
21.11.2007Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Presentations? Presentations of projects by group 1, 5, 2, 3, 7?
28.11.2007Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Preparing for the exam + presentations? Presentations of projects by group 4, 6

Sum up on course?

Published Aug. 14, 2007 12:04 PM - Last modified Aug. 14, 2008 5:05 PM