Semester page for INF5220 - Autumn 2009

Good luck with the exam! Please show up 15 min. before scheduled time and remember to bring valid ID. The exam is graded A-F and can be answered in Norwegian and English. For more info on the exam, time/place see here .

Dec. 1, 2009 6:06 PM

Hi – the Ifi library has made a few films about searching for literature and plagiarism – take a look here

Nov. 30, 2009 2:19 PM

For the project presentations on Nov. 25th each group has 15 min. (10 min. for the presentation + 5 min. for questions). Before presenting in class you should time your presentation in order to know where to cut down and/or where to expand on the content.

I suggest you have 4 slides with the following topics:

  • Shortly present the area of your research + your research question(s)
  • Methodology chosen + justification (why this methodology?)
  • Methods + how they support each other + how they are fruitful for your study
  • One lesson learned

Looking forward and good luck. Sisse

Oct. 20, 2009 4:27 PM