Semester page for INF5220 - Spring 2016


Each group will have 10 minutes for their presentation, and we allow 2-3 minutes for questions. We will strictly enforce the time limit so that all groups will have time for their presentation. Looking forward to seeing and heaaring all projects!

- Guri and Hanne Cecilie


May 9, 2016 10:31 AM

The exam will be Tuesday May 31st, Wednesday June 1st, and Thursday June 2nd. There is a paper on the door of our office where you can write your name for the exam day that you will prefer.

Hanne Cecilie and Guri

Apr. 22, 2016 12:31 PM

From coming Thursday and Friday (18th and 19th) and the rest of the semester, the room for group feedback will be Awk 3118.

Feb. 16, 2016 11:40 AM

This week, the venue for the feedback sessions is Caml. See schedule for the feedback sessions under the heading "Assignments". I will update this schedule with a fixed venue for the rest of the semester from next week onwards.

Feb. 2, 2016 4:06 PM