Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
30.08.2010? ? Introduction, Machine Translation? Dorr et al, sec. 1-4, Jurafsky & Martin: 25.1-2, Projector Presentation,, Handout,?
06.09.2010? ? MT contd., ? Projector Presentation,, Handout?
08.09.2010? ? Statistics for NLP? Web course Sec. 1-3?
13.09.2010? ? Lexical semantics? J&M Kap. 19. WordNet, PropBank, FrameNet ?
15.09.2010? ? More statistics? Web course Sec. 4, 5, 8?
20.09.2010? ? Word Sense Disambiguation? J&M, 20.1-20.3, Projector Presentation?
22.09.2010? ? Machine Translation? Classics: Weaver, Bar-Hillel, Hutchins, Kay, Vauquois; deltakerpresentasjon.?
27.09.2010? ? Statistical Machine Translation: Word-Based? Koehn, ch. 4, Projector Presentation?
29.09.2010? 欧洲杯在线买球_欧洲杯投注网站推荐@sparken? MT? Deltakerpresentasjon: Hutchins & Sommers, Kay; WSD: oblig.?
04.10.2010? ? SMT: IBM models, Phrase-based? Koehn, ch. 4 & 5, Projector Presentation, Slides til l?reboka?
06.10.2010? Ingen undervisning? jobb med oblig.? ?
11.10.2010? ? SMT: Alignment, Phrase-based, begining Decoding? Koehn, ch. 5 & 6?
13.10.2010? ? Decoding? Koehn ch. 6?
18.10.2010? ? Evaluation? Koehn, ch. 8, Papineni, Callison-Burch et.al.?
20.10.2010? 欧洲杯在线买球_欧洲杯投注网站推荐@sparken? Oblig assignment 2 review? ?
25.10.2010? ? Sentence semantics? J&M 17.2-17.3, 18.1-18.2 + Extra material?
25.10.2010? ? Compositional semantics? J&M, kap. 17.4, 18.2-18.3, Start MRS-paper + Extra material?
01.11.2010? ? Minimal Recursion Semantics? Copestake et. al. 2005. ?
03.11.2010? ? Project planning? + underveisevaluering?
08.11.2010? Ingen undervisning? ? ?
10.11.2010? Ingen undervisning? ? ?
15.11.2010? ? Semantic transfer, The LOGON system? Copestake et. al. 1995, Oepen et. al. 2004, Projector Presentation?
17.11.2010? ? LOGON-system? Projector Presentation?
22.11.2010? ? Reranking? Koehn ch. 9, Oepen et. al. 2007, Projector Presentation?
29.11.2010? ? Linguistics and SMT? Koehn ch. 10, Nyg?rd et. al. 2006?
Published Aug. 25, 2010 4:40 PM - Last modified Nov. 29, 2010 11:42 AM