Teaching plan

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
16.01.2013 Anders Mørch, Jan Erik Dahl  Seminarrom 2458, Postscript (IFI2)  Introduction  Get to know each other and the lecturers, presentation of course material, what we will do, assessment criteria (article presentation, project work and presentation, oral exam), use of ICT 
06.03.2013 Alfredo Jornet Gil and Anders Mørch  Postscript (IFI2)   1) Basic concepts: Zone of proximal development (ZPD) and mediation  Vygotsky's and Wertsch's ideas on learning and development, readings from the classics 
13.03.2013 Jan Erik Dahl  Postscript   2) Problem based learning (PBL), inductive vs. deductive teaching; Wiki-based collaboration tools  Prince & Felder (2006) 
20.03.2013 Marisa Ponti  Postscript   3) Key issues and tensions: Individual vs. collaborative learning; systemic vs. dialogical research; informal vs. formal learning   Sfard (1998); Malcolm, Hodkinson & Colley (2003); Arnseth & Ludvigsen (2006).  
05.04.2013       One-page project proposal due!
27.03.2013 No teaching      Easter week
03.04.2013 Anders Mørch  Postscript   4) Instructional scaffolding for problem solving and design  Wood et al. (1976); McKendree & Carroll (1986); Fischer et al. (1991); Soller et al. (2005).
10.04.2013 Sarah Lowe, University of Tennessee  Postscript   5) Design-based research  Anderson & Shattuck (2012); Krange & Ludvigsen (2009); Feedback on project proposals!
17.04.2013 Renate Andersen  Postscript   6) Studying large communities  Scott (2000); Kozinets (2010)
24.04.2013 Cathy Tran, University of California, Irvine  Postscript  7) Mobile learning  Sharples et al. (2009); Tran et al. (2013)
26.04.2013 Anders Mørch and Jan Erik Dahl InterMedia   Feedback to each group project 
01.05.2013 Anders Mørch  Postscript  8) Domain specific scaffolding: Empirical studies  Clark & Sampson (2007); Cheung et al.  (2007); Furberg (2009). Note: Inspite of this being a holiday we try to arrange it, due to truncation of course!!
08.05.2013 Alfredo Jornet Gil  Postscript  9) Mediation by multiple representations  Ainsworth (1999); van der Meij & de Jong (2006); Jornet & Roth (2013).  
15.05.2013 Valentina Caruso Postscript  10) Collaboration and learning in virtual worlds  Christonasi & Plakitsi (2013); Wang & Burton (2013).
22.05.2013 Crina Damsa  Postscript  11) Collaborative knowledge creation  Valsiner (1994); Paavola & Hakkarainen (2005); Stahl (2009)
24.05.2013     Final report   Submitted for feedback, due at midnight
29.05.2013 Several of us  Postscript  Project presentations  Each group presents and gets feedback on project reports
05.06.2013   TBA    Oral exam day 1
06.06.2013   TBA    Oral exam day 2


Published Apr. 1, 2013 9:44 PM - Last modified May 17, 2013 12:13 AM