
Literature to read:

The following articles must be read:

Vissers, Johannes P. C.; A. Claessens, Henk; Cramers, Carel A. Microcolumn liquid chromatography: instrumentation, detection and applications. Journal of Chromatography A (1997), 779(1 + 2), 1-28.

Vissers, J. P. C. Recent developments in microcolumn liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A (1999), 856(1 + 2), 117-143

Chervet, J. P.; Ursem, M.; Salzmann, J. P. Instrumental Requirements for Nanoscale Liquid Chromatography. Analytical Chemistry (1996), 68(9), 1507-1512

Laboratory exercises and evaluation:

The studenten will use a micro-LC system consisting of a pump with a solvent reservoir, a micro injector, a micro column and a UV detector with ”on-capillary” flow cell. Firstly, the system must be tested with a test mixture which is provided. Totalchrom software will be used for data collection. Secondly, a new test mixture will be provided to the student who must develop an analysis method for separation of the compounds in the test mixture. To get the module accepted the student must find the separation conditions and perform the separation. The student must obtain enough knowledge of the Totalchrom software to be able to store chromatograms, to reanalyse chromatograms and to transfer the chromatograms to Word documents. Chromatogram(s) showing sufficient separation must be presented in the written report. At the end of the module, the student will be examined with regard to choosing capillary dimensions, mobile phases, mobile phase flow rates, sample volumes etc., and in the knowledge of the chromatography software used. The student is expected to know the subject to the extent that he/she is able to make new methods, to save, reanalyse and transfer chromatograms to Word documents. Additionally, a 1-2 pages report must be written and approved to pass the module.


The module starts with a 2 hrs lecture Thursday Oct. 4 at 10.15 (?108). Thereafter, all activities will take place in the laboratory (?U118 or ?122).


You must have taken either KJM4420, KJM3420, or KJM3400 (or an equivalent course) to participate in this module.
Published Aug. 14, 2012 4:47 PM - Last modified Aug. 15, 2012 8:48 AM