Solutions to the last exercises

I have now posted some solutions to the exercises for "wed. 22.04" and "rest of the semester". Note that some of the solutions aren't complete, but sketches the main ideas.

Some typos I didn't notice until after the scan (there are probably more):

6.8.12 f) Should say \lambda, not z in the gradient.
10.1.10 c) In the last paranthesis there should be a "2" in the denominator (got cut off by the scan).
10.2.2 b) Should say that 1/4 is not equal to 1/2 in the last line.
10.4.6 b) The last computation is not the supremum norm of I_2, but it will still help in showing convergence.

Published May 25, 2020 1:47 PM - Last modified May 25, 2020 1:47 PM