Information on digital teaching

This page will be regularly updated with information on digital teaching and teaching resources.

Lecture videos and Q&A sessions

This course is now being taught via video recordings. You are invited to take a quiz (using Canvas) after each video to test your understanding. There, you will also get the chance to ask any questions you might have. Note that the quizzes are voluntary and will not affect your grade.

Every Wednesday from 10:15–12:00 you can join the office hours Zoom meeting and ask any questions you might have. This replaces the office hours on Wednesdays from 9–10. (Click the "Zoom" button in Canvas to find the Zoom meeting room.)

Repetition lectures = individual help

The lectures on Mondays 12:15-14:00 will from now on be more like a "gruppetime". This means that you can ask me anything in smaller Zoom rooms (breakout rooms). Sign in via the Zoom link in Canvas, and I will assign you an individual room where you can ask me anything. (Similar to a "gruppel?rer" walking around helping people in a class room.)


Published Mar. 13, 2020 9:17 PM - Last modified Apr. 21, 2020 4:08 PM