Today's lecture will be the …

Today's lecture will be the last with new theory. Next week I plan to do some problems from older exams and some repetition. If there are parts of the curriculum or problems that you want me to speak about, please tell me.

I do not plan any activity on on Wednesday 7. December, but I will be room and answere question - sort of last day first aid.

The old exams I plan to do are:

Wednesday 10. December 2008 No 1 b) and c)

Wednesady 9. December 2009

Friday 10. December 2010 , except No 1 alternative 1.

You find them on the web under the link "Oppgaver". For the moment there are only norwegian versions, but I am working on it, and will pretty soon post translations.

Solutions for Ark5 are also under way.


Published Nov. 25, 2011 8:51 AM - Last modified Dec. 14, 2011 1:27 PM