
Published Nov. 9, 2022 11:29 AM

Monday Nov. 21st will be the last ordinary lecture in the course, it will include a discussion on the lines on a cubic surface.

On Monday 28th I will give an overview and a plan for the oral exam.

Oral exam is scheduled for Dec. 15. starting at 0900

in room NHA 720.





Published Oct. 16, 2022 11:55 AM

In the next few lectures, I plan to go through the proof of Riemann--Roch and Serre duality from Chapters 22 and 23 in the book. I will also cover more applications of RR.

By the way, I have updated a few of the chapters (including the chapters on divisors, curves and differentials). 

Here is the current version of the Lecture notes.

(and for reference, here is the old version),


Published Oct. 10, 2022 3:44 PM

Are Aamot (


Published Sep. 21, 2022 4:12 PM

To complete this course there is a compulsory assignment (in addition to the oral exam).  The assigment is to present a result/topic/solution to an exercise within 15-20 minutes for the class.  Each student make a choice, approved by the lecturer.  The assignment must be completed by Nov 21.


Here are some suggestions:

1. Appendix 15.4

2. Divisors on Hirzebruch surfaces  (part of 15.6)

3. Sheaf cohomology on Hirzebruch surfaces (part of 15.6)

4. Euler characteristic of a coherent sheaf on a projective scheme X (16.29-16.31)

to be followed by more suggestions..



Published Aug. 30, 2022 4:11 PM

First four weeks:  ch 15+16; divisors and morphisms to projective space.  

5.sept:  Serres theorems (16.6) and examples from (16.2).

12. sept:  Class group of quadrics, and examples of projective morphisms (restrictions and projections)

Next three weeks.  Differentials, ch 17

sept 19: 17.1-17.2

sept 26: 17.6-17.7

oct 3:  Prop 17.46+ 19.1-4. Curves

Kristian R





Published Aug. 9, 2022 2:58 PM

F?rste forelesning er 22. August.

Det viktigste grunnlaget for forelesningene i emnet er boka (online) til Geir Ellingsrud og John Christian Ottem,

Introduction to Schemes

kapitlene 15-23.  (det kan bli endringer)


Kristian Ranestad