
Published Dec. 9, 2022 10:20 AM

Dear all,

I have published the final exam and an example solution under "Resources".

I hope you have enjoyed the course – I have definitely enjoyed teaching it. I hope to see some of you next semester in the course MAT4305 - Partial Differential Equations and Sobolev Spaces.

Have a great holiday!

Best regards,

Published Nov. 21, 2022 6:35 PM

Dear all,

I have corrected your hand-ins, and you have all passed. Please read my comments carefully.

I have published a solution to the assignment under "Resources".


Published Nov. 18, 2022 3:10 PM

Dear all,

I have published some earlier exam problems under "Resources" on the course home page. I plan to solve exam problems on Wednesday and Thursday, so please let me know on Tuesday which problems you would like me to focus on, if any.

Best regards,

Published Nov. 16, 2022 1:20 PM

I have uploaded a new problem set. I will publish a solution no earlier than Friday next week.

Remember to submit your solutions to the mandatory assignment before Thursday at 14:30!


Published Nov. 14, 2022 10:09 AM

Put this code in your preamble:

% Define \intavg

You can then use \intavg in your code wherever you would put \int.

Published Nov. 8, 2022 9:52 AM

I have discovered two mistakes in the mandatory assignment (thanks, Juan Pablo and Welid!). I have uploaded a new version with the following changes:

  1. Equation (11) now reads "≤"
  2. In problem 1 I have specified what type of function f is.



Published Nov. 2, 2022 7:10 AM

The mandatory assignment has now been published. The workload roughly corresponds to two problem sheets. The deadline is Thursday 17 November at 14:30, and you need to submit your solution in Canvas.

Please feel free to ask questions about the mandatory assignment. In addition to office hours on Tuesdays at 13:00, I will not lecture on Thursday 12 November and instead answer questions about the assignment.

Best regards,

Published Oct. 25, 2022 1:05 PM

The mandatory assignment will be published on 3 November, with deadline Thursday 17 November at 14:30. You will find the assignment on Canvas.


Published Oct. 19, 2022 10:28 AM

Dear all,

My daughter is sick, so I'm afraid I have to cancel today's (Wednesday) lecture.

I have uploaded a solution to problem set 6 as well as a new problem sheet. It contains several problems where you have to use the method of characteristics, and some of them are quite hard. Try to do as many of these as you can!

See you tomorrow.


Published Oct. 17, 2022 9:37 AM

Dear all,

The student representative is Emily. Please contact her if you would like to convey any concerns about the course anonymously. Of course, you are more than welcome to discuss such matters with me, too.


Published Oct. 11, 2022 9:36 AM

Dear all,

I have fallen sick and have to cancel today's office hours. I will publish a new message in case I have to cancel tomorrow's lecture.

I have published the solution to problem set 5 as well as a new problem set.


Published Sep. 30, 2022 11:26 AM

I have uploaded a new problem set. Hurrah!

I don't have written solutions for problem set 4 (or 5), but if I get some time I will TeX a solution.


Published Sep. 23, 2022 11:02 AM

I have uploaded solutions to problem sheet 3 as well as a fourth problem sheet.


Published Sep. 16, 2022 4:02 PM

Dear all,

I have published a new problem sheet, as well as solutions to the first two problem sheets.


Published Sep. 8, 2022 3:25 PM

Dear all,

On Monday–Wednesday I am organizing a conference on PDEs at the Academy of Sciences, with several high-profile international speakers. You are all welcome to attend the conference. Many of the talks will probably be difficult to follow, but it can be a very instructive experience nonetheless.

You will find more information here. If you do plan to attend then I ask you to please register as soon as possible, so we can make plans for catering.


Published Aug. 30, 2022 3:41 PM

Dear all,

I will have office hours on Wednesdays at 11:00–12:00 Tuesdays at 13:00–14:00 in my office, room 1017 in NHA. Stop by to ask questions and discuss the exercises. I will not be solving exercises during the lectures, so this is the place to discuss them.

If this time slot is inconvenient for you then let me know when you do have time, and we will try to find another slot.

See you tomorrow!


Published Aug. 25, 2022 2:12 PM

Dear all,

Here are several messages:

  1. I will be away today (Thursday 25 Aug), but Ola M?hlen will fill in for me. He will start on Section 2.2 (Laplace/Poisson equation) – I will finish Section 2.1 next Wednesday.
  2. I have published a set of problems on the semester home page. Please try to solve as many as possible. This is vital for keeping up in this course!
  3. I will have office hours one hour, once per week. There, you can come and ask questions, and we will solve some of the weekly exercises together. Please send me an e-mail with a list of times (between 9:00 and 17:00 each day) that suit you. I am unavailable Thursdays after 10:00, but otherwise am mostly free.
  4. The book, Evans, is great, but difficult to read. Therefore, I strongly recommend coming to class as often as you can. If you don't want to go to lectures, but still want to take the course, then please contact me so we can have a chat about...
Published Aug. 15, 2022 3:35 PM

Welcome to the first lecture on Wednesday 24 August!

This course is suitable for anyone who has taken basic courses on multivariable calculus and real analysis; you do not require MAT3360. Please consult the Syllabus page for the syllabus.