
Published Dec. 19, 2023 4:09 PM

You can find this year's exam here and an example solution here.

I hope you've enjoyed the course, and wish you all a nice holiday.

Best regards,

Published Nov. 27, 2023 1:57 PM

Dear all,

I have finished correcting the assignments, and have uploaded an updated version of the solution. Please read through my comments to your assignment carefully.

Best regards,

Published Nov. 23, 2023 10:23 AM

I have updated the syllabus to reflect what we did in the course. I have also published a set of previous exam problems that I recommend that you solve. You will find both under "Resources" on the semester page.


Published Nov. 21, 2023 4:05 PM

You will find a solution to the "oblig" here. Please let me know if something is unclear.

Best regards,

Published Oct. 31, 2023 12:39 PM

Dear all,

The mandatory assignment has now been published in Canvas. The deadline is Thursday 16 November at 14:30. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Published Sep. 12, 2023 1:14 PM

Dear all,

I made a mistake and cancelled today's lecture in the schedule. The lecture is not cancelled.

I have uploaded problem set 3, as well as a solution to problem set 2.


Published Sep. 7, 2023 1:02 PM

Dear all,

Today's office hours has unfortunately been cancelled due to sickness.


Published Sep. 6, 2023 12:12 PM

Dear all,

This semester I am organizing a seminar on machine learning and deep neural networks, and (at least later in the semester) some applications to PDEs. The first meeting is on Thursday 7 September (tomorrow!), and you are all welcome to join.

Visit this page for more information.


Published Aug. 16, 2023 11:53 AM

Welcome to the first lecture on Tuesday 22 August!

This course is suitable for anyone who has taken basic courses on multivariable calculus and real analysis; you do not require MAT3360. Please consult the Syllabus page for the syllabus.