Messages - Page 3

Published Feb. 16, 2023 11:40 AM

Those who would like to read an alternative presentation of measure and integration theory can consult John K. Hunter's notes, which are freely available via this link. (Chapters 5 and 6, and section 7.5 are not part of the curriculum for MAT3400/4400). NB: it is not expected that you should read these notes, and we won't refer to them during the course.

Published Jan. 24, 2023 11:50 AM

Sorrily, the book Spaces that we will use the first weeks of this semester is not yet available at Akademika. It is expected to arrive early February. Meanwhile, those who haven't this book already can find a copy of sections 7.1-7.4 here

Published Jan. 19, 2023 4:25 PM

The weekly exercise sessions will take take place on Fridays 12.15-14. The exercise sets will usually be made available on Thursdays the week before, on the web-page and in the schedule. The set for Friday January 27 is now available. Two of the extra exercises (1 and 3) don't require any knowledge of what will be covered during the first lecture on Tuesday January 24, so you can have a look at these already now! 

Published Jan. 8, 2023 10:16 PM

Welcome to MAT3400/4400 Spring 2023!

Here is a list of misprints and corrections to Lindstr?m's book Spaces that we will use during the first weeks of the course. (If you don't have this book already, you must buy it at the Akademia book shop). We will thereafter cover Brevig's note A measure of Lebesgue measure before we switch to Notes on elementary linear analysis.