Welcome to the course!

Dear All,

welcome to the course on Malliavin Calculus! 

As you know, the start of the semester is still quite effected by Omicron and we are holding a careful attitude to prevent spreading. For this course, following the guidelines, we shall start with an online teaching for the first two weeks (lectures of January 17, 19, 24, 26). After this, we shall resume and evaluate other possibilities. We'll talk about this during lectures.

In practice at the start of the course the participants will receive a zoom link and the lectures will be streamed following the schedule give. No recording of the lectures will be available, but the slides at the end of the lectures will be uploaded (at the "Schedule" page).

When following the streamed lectures the camera of each participant will have to be kept on and the sound muted, to avoid extra noise. It is however encouraged the active participation and everyone is free to de-mute oneself and take word, when needed. Substantially we proceed as we do in the auditorium, where we wish to come back in full action!

See you soon, best wishes



Published Jan. 7, 2022 11:48 AM - Last modified Jan. 7, 2022 11:48 AM