Information about exam

The exam will be held after lunch on Thursday. A more detailed schedule will be posted on Wednesday.

For the presentation, you have 15 minutes for the final project followed by 15 minutes of questions from the syllabus. Power-point, Keynote, PDF or anything else that works is ok. I will have a Mac hooked up and you can either send me the presentation, bring a usb or your own laptop.

The presentation should start with a project description. It is difficult to give general advice, but briefly it is your responsibility to make the presentation as clear and concise for the external sensor as possible. Emphasize what you have done, both why and how you have done it the way that you have. Explain the results. Model sensitivity, mesh sensitivity and sensitivity to numerical methods are relevant topics for most projects.

Published June 3, 2019 12:15 PM - Last modified June 3, 2019 12:15 PM