Semester page for STK-IN4300 - Autumn 2021


Please find in the following links the text of the exam and the outline of its solution.

Dec. 29, 2021 12:22 PM

In exercise 3, point b, due to a typo in my LaTeX code the "^2" are missing. Therefore, in both the equation and the line under the equation all quantities have a square.



- in the equation, \int_a^b f''(t) dt should be \int_a^b f''(t)^2 dt;

- in the first line under the equation it should be \int_a^b g''(t)^2 dt \leq \int_a^b \tilde{g}''(t)^2 dt


Dec. 3, 2021 10:29 AM

During the exam I will be available all the time by mail and phone, but there will be a dedicated Zoom meeting at 10am: you will be placed in a waiting room and I will let you in one by one.



Meeting ID: 674 4398 4674

Passcode: 850682

Nov. 26, 2021 11:28 AM