Semester page for STK-MAT3710 - Autumn 2019


Here are the problem set, the solutions, and the grading instructions.

Dec. 11, 2019 9:24 PM

I have corrected the solution to trial exam 1, problem 4a, where the indices were all mixed up. I have also added an extra step to the argument for integrability in trial exam 3, problem 3b.

Dec. 9, 2019 10:04 PM

The exam has 11 problems (1, 2a, 2b, etc) and is quite similar in format to the trial exams (perhaps a bit longer than some of them, so keep an eye on time). All problems count 10 points, and the exam is graded according to the Math department's criteria. The exam is without aids of any kind (not even a simple calculator is allowed, but then I can't imagine what you should have used it for!) The formula sheet will be attached to the exam, and you are not allowed to use your own copy (but keep the misprint mentioned here in mind!). If there is a problem you cannot do, you may still use the result from that problem in later problems (as most questions are of the form "show that...", this is often possible). R...

Dec. 9, 2019 1:16 PM