Course finished (Info and exam)

The lectures are finished and the lecture notes and the summary of the course are updated!

I have added a couple of exercises in Chapter 7 that were missing (the two last ones). I strongly recommend that you take a look at those two.

The exam will be next Friday 8th of December. Check here for information on time and location. Remember that no examination support material is allowed, not calculator either. You will not need it either.

The exam's structure will be:

Problem 1 (Theory): define or outline some concepts or results.

Problem 2 (Random variables): usual stuff about random variables and convergence.

Problem 3 (Conditional expectation): mainly conditional expectation, but it can also contain things from random variables as preparing steps.

Problem 4 (Martingales): anything related to martingales in the last chapter.

I will drop by during the exam, around 10:00 am. So please, take some time to read the whole exam and gather eventual questions you may have.

Good luck!

Published Nov. 30, 2023 9:42 AM - Last modified Nov. 30, 2023 9:42 AM