Welcome to STK2100

Welcome to STK2100.

Due to a collision with other activities, the first week will contain no ordinary lectures but rather use recordings from spring 2022. The recordings and the presentation used are available under the schedule tab.

The main text book for the course will be Hastie et al (2009): Elements of Statistical learning. However, we will also use James et al (2013): An introduction to Statistical learning - with applications in R as supplementary material. The latter is an easier version of the former, with less mathematical details. Both books are available online. Look at the preliminary corriculum for more details. Further, the course will be a mix of statistical/mathematical theory and applied work on the computer. We will use R extensively.

The first physical event will be the plenary session on Monday Jan 30. In these sessions you are supposed to work on given exercises with support from the session leader. Solutions to (some of) the exercises will be provided after these sessions.

There will be two compulsory exercises in the course. 

The first ordinary lecture will be on Jan 31.

Looking forward to see you!


Published Jan. 4, 2023 9:50 AM - Last modified Jan. 4, 2023 9:50 AM