access, read, ask, contribute to Hjelpetr?d A

1. No "digital lecture" today, infortunately: (a) there's a department allm?te, via zoom, that I need to follow; (b) my 2012 laptop can't properly install zoom or skype; (c) more preparation is needed in order for a new Ipad to work properly for these things.

2. I've posted a mail thread, the Hjelpetr?d A, to all of you or nearly all of you. If you take this course, and for some reason are not among those in the address field for Hjelpetr?d A, send me a mail.

3. Use the Hjelpetr?d A (and later Hjelpetr?d B, etc.) actively -- read, learn, do, accomplish, and post queries.

4. In the course of Mon-Tue March 23-24 I'll write up more Nils Notes & Exercises. There are basically *two more crucial themes* for the course, i.e. in addition to those we've already worked with:

(a) *maximum log-likelihood profiling*, which lead to wondrous *confidence curves*, via Wiilks theorems;

(b) *empirical processes*, with Brownian motion as the limit of partial-sum processes, a bit on Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, the Brownian bridge, etc.

Stay tuned & stray healthy.

Published Mar. 23, 2020 11:14 AM - Last modified Mar. 23, 2020 11:14 AM