corona stops us: no teaching Mon Mar 16

Corona is upon us, and the UiO has issued various rules of conduct and mechanisms for limiting any spread of the virus. The Department of Mathematics follows suit, and employs *even stricter rules* than a few other departments -- and as a consequence of these there is no teaching for stk 4090 Mon Mar 16.

I lament this (as you do, too), and we'll see what we're able to do over the coming couple of weeks. *At any rate* I'll pretty soon finish up an update of the Nils Collection of Exercises and Lecture Notes, specifically with added material on *likelihood theory*: maximum likelihood, Bayes, profile log-likelihood. Also, I'll give some instructions about what to focus on, and a list of exercises.

I'll look out for certain technical possibilities when it comes to Mon Mar 23. We could I assume also arrange for smaller meetings, with some or all of you (since n \le 8, I think), but possibly avoid calling it "lectures".

Again, in addition to being "generally alarmed" by all the korona drama these weeks, I'm sorry that we'll be missing one or perhaps two weeks of ordinary weekly teaching, with lectures & exercises. It may lead to *an extra responsibility on your own side* -- study diligently, work with the exercises I point to, send me questions by mail (which I'll then attemp to answer, depending on the volume, or address via general messages on the course website).

Part of the time I'll be at my hjemmekontor, but by all means I'll also be at the 8th Floor of Abel, and can talk to interested students there.

Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen.

Nils Lid Hjort

Published Mar. 11, 2020 11:47 PM - Last modified Mar. 11, 2020 11:47 PM