exercises for the coming couple of korona weeks

Kj?re studenter, h?per alt g?r tilstrekkelig vel med dere og deres, i disse krevende tider. Itj f?rr? n?lles.

1. I'm attempting to make my own half-primitive machinery work for *zoom*, so that we might have a one-hour zoom-lecture Mon 23rd of March. More on this later, but at any rate, check that you do have zoom on your computers.

2. It's been decided that the planned four-hour written exams, in Silurveien etc., will (with high probability) NOT take place in June. But OUR "home project" exam will proceed as planned, in June, and (with high probability) this will be the ONLY exam in this course, with time window [t_0, t_1] = [Fri June 12, Tue June 23]. Again, by definition, more on this later. Other courses will have a "best?tt / ikke best?tt", only, but OUR course will (with high probability) retain the usual scale of A, B, C, D, E, F (which means a premimum for good efforts).

3. By Monday 23.3 I will say something about the latest dozen of Nils Collection Exercises. But from Ferguson, work with these:

section 6: 5, 6
section 7: 1, 3
section 13: 4, 6

4. Material for the rest of the course: (a) more on likelihood theory, including basic constructions of *confidence curves* (easy, useful, fun, flows from the general theory); (b) empirical processes, the famous "Part V" of the course.

Published Mar. 20, 2020 4:23 PM - Last modified Mar. 20, 2020 4:23 PM