Exercises for Wed April 3

1. We've started Ch 6, with the last part of the course, and the master theorem is about the limiting normal distributions for each submodel setimator \hat\mu_S, with biases and variances. This leads to the FIC. We also did Exam 2013, Exercises 1 and 3. 

2. We'll be FICin'.

3. For Wed April 3, do the risk functions for Exam 2013 Exercise 1 more accurately, and supply these with that for the post-AIC estimator. Then do Exam 2015, as much as you can for Exercise 1, and Exam 2011, as much as you can for Exercise 2.

4. Check Jens Krisoffer Haug's talk at PRIO, a few weeks ago, about FIC applied to armed conflicts data models, and check how he explains the difference between AIC and FIC:

Published Apr. 1, 2019 3:15 PM - Last modified Apr. 1, 2019 3:15 PM