exercises for Wed March 17

New design & layout for all UiO webpages, including these, for courses -- hrmph, not particularly elegant, strange decision for the spacing between paragraphs, and you need to look N, E, S, W in order to find exercises, lecture notes from Celine and Nils, etc. 

** 1. Our proposal for Exam dates, to be decided upon next week, are: (i) Exam Project, from Fri June 4 to Mon June 14, followed by oral examination (25 min per candidate), on Thu June 17 or Fri June 18.

** 2. On Wed Mar 10, Celine lectured, from the last parts of Ch 5 and the first sections of Ch 6. We have nearly seen the FIC. We even taught "physically", in Auditorium 4.

** 3. Nils went through the Extra exercise with the Beta(a,b) envelope around the normal, finding an enormous Q, which means very big tolerance regions. 

** 4. Exercises for next week: Nils Collection, Exercises 7 and 10. 

** 5. Celine will upload notes du jour, and Nils will upload the R script for the Beta envelope story.

Published Mar. 10, 2021 10:14 PM - Last modified Mar. 10, 2021 10:14 PM