Information about the exam

As previously announced the final exam in STK4400 will take place on May 3, Room 723, N. H. Abels hus. NOTE: Only students with an approved mandatory assignment can take this final exam. By now, all these students should have received an email containing further information about the exam, including the exact time when it will take place. If you have an approved mandatory assignment, and have not received this email, please contact me as soon as possible.

When the exam starts, you will get a text describing the questions. You can then read through the questions for 15 minutes before the oral examination starts. During this period you can use all relevant sources, including lecture notes. The following examination will last for approximately 30 minutes.

Note also that a collection of example problems has been posted here

Good luck!

Published Apr. 24, 2023 3:07 PM - Last modified Apr. 24, 2023 3:10 PM